Spirit Box™ - Angels

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  • Regular price $49.99

We all need lots of Angels in our lives!

This box includes Angel Spray, Angel Oracle Cards, an Angel Receptor, a Stone Angel, an Angel Aura Stone and Angel Stone Earrings.

Thank you for choosing “Spirit Box”! We know that you will love using our exciting and useful products and we are blessed you are with us.  All of the essential oil products, jewelry and other items we personally make here at Crystal Rock so be rest assured they are all natural, pure, and organic and if you ever break a jewelry item we will fix it for you at no charge.  We will always insert information on how to use the products that are included in your box but if you have any questions, please give us a call at 612-202-7803 or message us on Facebook at Crystalrockhealing, LLC.

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