Pop-Up Locations


CrystalShop pop up

We are bringing Crystal Rock Healing to you! Come shop at our pop-up locations!

There are times when you just have to 'feel' it.  Hold that crystal or card deck in your hands to see if it's the right one. 

Now you can, and why we want to bring our store to you! 

You'll find many of our natural health and metaphysical products.

- Crystals/Rocks - One-of-a-kind pieces, pocket stones, obelisks, and more!
- Stone Jewelry - Earrings, chip and gem bracelets, necklaces
- Sage/Incense - bundles, braids, incense sticks, cones
- Teas & Herbs - Loose leaf and in tea bags, medicinal herbs, flowers, tea blends and more
- Essential oil products - Concentrates, sprays, roll-ons, soaps, hair and body care
- Books and Card Decks
- Chakra Support and MORE!


Here's where you can find us next!

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